Collection number: MC 259
Size: 2.5 boxes
(1 cu.ft.)
About the Tuttle and Ellison Families
Levi Chapman Tuttle was born on August 3, 1835 in Nottingham, New Hampshire and died in 1914. He enlisted in the 13th Regiment New Hampshire Volunteers Infantry, Company F on August 26, 1862. He saw fighting at Fredericksburg and fifteen other battles between December 1862 and April 1865. The 13th New Hampshire Volunteers furnished the first troops and its colors were the first to enter and occupy the City of Richmond on April 3, 1865. He was discharged from service on June 21, 1865. On July 27, 1867 he married Lenora F. Furber in Newmarket, NH. They had two children, Leon L. Tuttle, born in 1873, and Lorie Cleveland Tuttle, born in 1882.
Forrest Lincoln Ellison was born around 1869 in Exeter, New Hampshire. He married his second wife, Daisy B. Davis on July 1, 1905 in Manchester, New Hampshire. Their son, Robert Ellison, married Dorothy Tuttle on August 27, 1938. Dorothy Tuttle was the daughter of Lorie Tuttle and Sadie Roderick.
About the Tuttle-Ellison Family Papers
This collection is primarily made up of documents related to the Tuttle family. The bulk of the correspondence is between Lenora Furber, Levi Tuttle's second wife, and her first husband, James Horne. Their letters, as well as some of the others between Lenora and her family members as well as those between the Tuttle family, feature discussion about the American Civil War, though none of the letters contain direct references to fighting or war politics. Instead focus is given on the family members and friends who have gone off to war and the effects their absences have on those who stayed home. The journals are nearly all the work of Levi Tuttle and primarily include details about farming work and daily life in and around Rockingham County, New Hampshire. There are also several folders of receipts from both the Tuttle and the Ellison family records, as well as printed material collected by both families. The five images in the collection are all related to the Ellison family.
Administrative Information
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This collection is open.
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Contents of this collection are governed by U.S. copyright law. For questions about publication or reproduction rights, contact Special Collections staff.
Preferred Citation
[Identification of item], [Folder], [Box], Tuttle-Ellison Family Papers, 1847-1967, MC 259, Milne Special Collections and Archives, University of New Hampshire Library, Durham, NH, USA.
Acquisitions Information
Donation: Kenneth Ellison, August 20, 2014 (Accession number: 2014.10)
Collection Contents
Series 1: Tuttle Family, 1857-1925
Subseries 1: Correspondence
Box 1 | ||
Box 1, Folder 1 | Apr 1857-July
Letters between Lenora Furber and James Horne: general news about health, friends, family | |
Box 1, Folder 2 | July 1861
Letters between Lenora Furber and James Horne: general news about health, friends, family | |
Box 1, Folder 3 | Aug-Sept
Letters between Lenora Furber and James Horne: general news about health, friends, family; some letters discuss the possibility of James being drafted to serve in the Civil War, which he claims will not happen | |
Box 1, Folder 4 | Oct-Nov
Letters between Lenora Furber and James Horne: general news about health, friends, family; discusses mututal friends and Lenora's brother Samuel Furber who have all enlisted in the volunteer regiments for the Civil War; two letters contain lamentations on the struggle of living Christian lives; Lenora expresses frustration with not being able to find work in the mills | |
Box 1, Folder 5 | Dec 1861
Letters between Lenora Furber and James Horne: general news about health, friends, family; James conveys mixed feelings about the possibility of enlisting | |
Box 1, Folder 6 | Oct 1862 - July
Letter to Lenora Furber from her brother Samuel sent from the South where he was fighting in the war; 3 letters from Levi Tuttle to Lenora; John E. Furber to his sister "Abba"; and to Lenora from her sister Lucy | |
Box 1, Folder 7 | Dec 1890 - Apr
1925, includes 6 postcards
Store advertisement; to Lenora from her daughter-in-law Sadie Roderick; 2 letters between the Department of the Interior and Levi Tuttle regarding pension; graduation invitation from Irma Davies to the Tuttle family; wedding announcment from Irma Davies to the Tuttle family; National Tribune to Lenora Tuttle regarding Civil War widow benefits | |
Box 1, Folder 8 | Undated
Undated holiday and birthday cards; one undated letter on resolution on the death of Lorie Tuttle |
Subseries 2: Journals
Box 1 | ||
Box 1, Folder 9 | Jan 1875 - June
1879, diary of Levi Tuttle
Covers daily activities such as chopping wood, farming, meetings with neighbors and friends, local deaths and births, and notes about making shoes and slippers | |
Box 1, Folder 10 | June 1879 - Apr
1882, diary of Levi Tuttle
Covers daily activities such as chopping wood, farming, meetings with neighbors and friends, local deaths and births, personal health, and notes about making shoes and slippers; also includes some comments about the 1880 election | |
Box 1, Folder 11 | Apr 1882 - Nov
1883, diary of Levi Tuttle
Covers daily activities such as chopping wood, farming, meetings with neighbors and friends, local deaths and births, personal health; a lot of focus on economics and money, for instance how much molasses, cords of firewood, or bags of corn cost as well as the salaries of local teachers and ministers | |
Box 1, Folder 12 | 1887, diary of Levi
Covers daily activities including working local jobs such as brick-laying, painting, and plastering; focus on money and economics, such as payment for work, cost of eggs and other staples | |
Box 1, Folder 13 | 1888, diary of Levi
Covers daily activities particularly those around the home and farm such as chopping wood, ploughing, planting, harvesting, and family and friends' visits | |
Box 1, Folder 14 | 1889, diary of Levi
Covers daily activities including work around the home as well as local projects like road repair; includes personal account information | |
Box 2 | ||
Box 2, Folder 1 | Feb-Dec 1892,
diary of Levi Tuttle
Covers daily activities including work around the home as well as local projects; includes personal account information; also contains comments about the 1892 election | |
Box 2, Folder 2 | 1899, diary of Levi
Covers daily activities including work around the home as well as local projects; includes detailed personal account information | |
Box 2, Folder 3 | Jan 1900 - Jan
1901, diary of Levi Tuttle
Covers daily activities including work around the home as well as local projects; includes detailed personal account information | |
Box 2, Folder 4 | 1901, diary of Levi
Covers daily activities including work around the home as well as local projects; includes detailed personal account information | |
Box 2, Folder 5 | Jan 1907 - Jan
1908, diary of Levi Tuttle
Covers daily activities including work around the home as well as local projects; includes detailed personal account information |
Subseries 3: Receipts and Inventories
Box 2, Folder 6 | Journal of miscellaneous inventory and accounts of James Horne, 1859 | |
Box 2, Folder 7 | Medical receipts, including doctor visits and cemetary arrangements, 1877-1915 | |
Box 2, Folder 8 | Insurance receipts, Rockingham Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company, 1887-1905 | |
Box 2, Folder 9 | Tax receipts from the town of Nottingham, 1873-1906 | |
Box 2, Folder 10 | Receipts and tickets from railroad, 1872-1896 | |
Box 2, Folder 11 | Receipts from business conducted with brewery, 1891-1896 and undated | |
Box 2, Folder 12 | Receipts for miscellaneous items purchased, 1876-1900 | |
Box 2, Folder 13 | Newspaper subscription receipts, 1877-1907 | |
Box 2, Folder 14 | Receipts for church donations, May 1891 - Dec 1892 | |
Box 2, Folder 15 | Receipts and inventories from personal transactions, mostly handwritten, 1874-1898 |
Subseries 4: Miscellaneous
Box 2, Folder 16 | Miscellaneous Tuttle family documents: newspaper clippings, business cards, handwritten poem, three-quarters of a document from 1867 about the infantry service of Henry Ambrosio, pension certificate for Levi Tuttle dated Aug 18, 1892 | |
Box 2, Folder 17 | Printed material: Northwood Town Reports, 1901-1903 | |
Box 2, Folder 18 | Printed Material: Nottingham Town Reports, 1903-1907 | |
Box 2, Folder 19 | Miscellaneous printed material collected by the Tuttle
Series 2: Ellison Family, 1847-1967
Box 3 | ||
Box 3, Folder 1 | Correspondence, Aug 1889 - Dec
Postcard from Forrest Ellison to his sister sent from the bicylcing trip he took with his friend Charles Walker; congratulatory letter from L.A. Cogswell to Forrest Ellison, 1905; a recipe for "stiffening the toes of flexible pigskin innersoles" from L.A. Cogswell to Forrest Ellison; 2 letters containing the dying wishes of Mrs. Benjamin Ellison, Forrest Ellison's mother; letter from the New Burlingame Telegraphing Typewriter Co. regarding stock shares | |
Box 3, Folder 2 | Journal, Aug
A small daily journal from the cycling trip that Forrest Ellison took with his friend Charles Walker | |
Box 3, Folder 3 | Miscellaneous Ellison family receipts, 1906-1919: life insurance, items purchased, telephone and telegraph servies, newspaper subscriptions, and funeral services; includes stock certificates from the New Burlingame Telegraphing Typewriter Co. for shares held by Forrest Ellison and Daisy Ellison | |
Box 3, Folder 4 | Miscellaneous Ellison family documents: newspaper clipping; character reading of Forrest Ellison; Ellison family holiday poem | |
Box 3, Folder 5 | Inquiries made by Mrs. Robert Ellison into the New Burlingame Telegraphing Typewriter Company, 1967 | |
Box 3, Folder 6 | Five tin-type images, mostly unidentified and undated; includes one tin-type image of Forrest Ellison and his friend Charles Walker taken on the ocassion of their cycling trip, Aug 1889 | |
Box 3, Folder 7 | Printed material: The Exeter News-Letter, Aug 26, 1910; Sept 15, 1916; Sept 22, 1916; Oct 6, 1916 | |
Box 3, Folder 8 | Printed material: W. Newnham, Man in His Physical, Intellectual, Social, and Moral Relations, Philadelphia: American Sunday-School Union, 1847 |