- Special CollectionsThe NH and Durham Vertical Files were collected over ca. 30 years and contain materials accumulated mostly by subject rather than creator. The New Hampshire and Durham vertical files contain historical information and publications covering a very wide…
- Special CollectionsHenry Bailey Stevens (1891-1976), author and playwright was born in Hooksett, New Hampshire. He graduated from Manchester Central High School and Dartmouth College. After graduation in 1912, he worked the Woman’s Journal, whose managing editor was…
- Special CollectionsA Republican member of the NH State Legislature from Rollinsford, N.H., elected in 1920 via a write-in campaign by newly enfranchised women voters, Jessie Doe was an outspoken advocate for women’s rights. She was a delegate to the Republican National Convention in 1932, and from 1934 until 1943…
- Special CollectionsHorace Greeley, 1811-1872, was an American editor, writer and politician, and he was also a Presidential candidate. One page letter in which Greeley explains his stance on the question of women’s suffrage. It is dated 4 Nov. 1867.