Guide to Campus Development Maps and Blueprints, 1912-1997

Collection number: UA 4/3/3
Size: (13 map case drawers) (ca. 16 cu.ft.)

About the Campus Development Office

The Campus Development Office manages the use of all the property and buildings on the University of New Hampshire campus. They are responsible for the construction of new buildings, the buying and selling of land and the allocation of space for all campus departments.

About the Campus Development Maps and Blueprints

This collection contains a small number of the maps, drawings and blueprints documenting the development of the University of New Hampshire campus.

Administrative Information

Access Restrictions

This collection is open.

Copyright Notice

Copyright is retained by the University of New Hampshire.

Preferred Citation

[Identification of item], Campus Development Maps and Blueprints, 1891-2003, UA 4/3/3, Milne Special Collections and Archives, University of New Hampshire Library, Durham, NH, USA.

Acquisitions Information

Transferred from the Office of Campus Development, date unknown.

See also: Water And Sewer Systems 1895-1963 (UA 17/17 in the University Archives).

Collection Arrangement

This collection is divided into three series: 1) Faculty Housing; 2) Grounds; 3) Buildings A-Z. This collection is located in Map Case B Drawers 3-15 and Map Case C Drawer 1.

Collection Contents

Series 1: Durham Faculty Housing Development, 1946-1964 and undated

(11 folders)

Plans for faculty housing neighborhoods on and off UNH campus.

Map Drawer 31946Durham Houses; Summary of bids
1952Faculty Development; Proposed Water Main Extension
1945UNH Faculty Development
1945Topography of the UNH Faculty Development
1950Map of New Hampshire College House Lots. 1950
UndatedUniversity of New Hampshire Housing
1964Edgewood Road Plan
1949Mill Road
1950Plan of Land of UNH, Garden Lane (Ned Spaulding)
1950Plan of Land of UNH, Mill Road (Ned Spaulding). 1950
1951Plan of Land of UNH and others, Mill Road (Ned Spaulding)
1950Proposed Fence Line on Mill Road
1950Lots between Garden Lane and Mill Road

Series 2: Grounds and Utilities, 1891-1998

(5 Map Case Drawers)

Landscaping, Sewerage plans, Utility maps, UNH Property on and off the Durham campus.

Map Drawer 41946-1964Durham Faculty Housing Development
1925Landscaping: Planting Plan for Grounds in the vacinity of the President's Residence (Bremer W. Pond)
1934Landscaping: Plan of revision of paths by Thompson Hall and Library (Bremer W. Pond)
1936Landscaping: Planting Detail: Murkland Hall to Main St. (Bremer W. Pond)
1936Landscaping: UNH Master Tree Plan (Bremer W. Pond)
1950Landscaping: Natural Ampitheatre, development of College Brook Area (R.H. Corrette)
1963Landscaping: Planting Plan for Women's REsidence [Jessie Doe] and dining hall [Stillings] (Shurcliff & Merrill)
undatedLandscaping: Thompson Hall / Murkland Hall Courtyard
1988Landscaping: Proposed Thompson hall / Murkland Hall Courtyard (UNH Architectural Services)
1915Sewerage: Sedimentation Tank for Sewage Treatment (Metcalf & Eddy)
1925Sewerage: Plan of main sewerage system (Bowler)
1933Sewerage: Proposed Oyster River Water Supply (Weston & Sampson)
1935Sewerage: Low level sewerage system, general plan (Westen & Sampson)
1936Sewerage: Low level sewerage system, pumping station, superstructure (R.C. Henry, architect; Westion & Sampson, engineers)
1939Sewerage: Sewer Connection to University system, freehand drawing on poster board
1939Sewerage: Main line sewerage system
1962Sewerage: Map of Sewerage system (Weston & Sampson)
1980Sewerage: Lamprey Regional Solid Waste Cooperative
1940Utilities: Proposed changes in street lighting and distribution circuits for UNH and Durham
1966Utilities: Extension of Underground steam, gas, and electric utilities (Jackson & Moreland)
1967Utilities: Extension of underground steam - College Road (Jackson & Moreland)
1967Utilities: Extension of Underground Electric Utilities - College Brook (Jackson & Moreland)
1966Utilities: Electric Power Dist. South Campus (Jackson & Moreland)
Map Drawer 51956UNH Property, On Campus: Topographical maps of the University of New Hampshire (8 sheets)
1998UNH Property, On Campus: Durham properties acquired by UNH (Nicole D. Genco 1996)
1891UNH Property, On Campus: Map of Thompson Farm (C.L. Hubbard)
1912UNH Property, On Campus: Water supply for State College - 2 copies (F.W. Taylor?)
1912UNH Property, On Campus: New Hampshire College Farm (F.W. Taylor)
1924UNH Property, On Campus: UNH Property map (Bremer W. Pond)
1936UNH Property, On Campus: Land Holdings of University
1957UNH Property, On Campus: Garrison Ave Area (incl. deed information) (Grant L. Davis & Assoc.)
undatedUNH Property, On Campus: Plan of Land for UNH
UndatedUNH Property, On Campus: UNH Forest (College Woods)
1938UNH Property, Off Campus: Contour Map: Property of UNH at Belknap Mt. Recreation Center, Gilford
1939UNH Property, Off Campus: Plan of Hebron, NH [Paradise Point] (Wendell C. Keniston)
1940UNH Property, Off Campus: UNH Forest, Swift River Block, Passaconway, NH
1943UNH Property, Off Campus: Proposed Extension of Strafford Ave
1946UNH Property, Off Campus: Whidden Farm (C.L.S.)
1946UNH Property, Off Campus: NH Forestry Committee, Stockdale Gift
1949UNH Property, Off Campus: Paine Lot, Portsmouth Rd., Durham (Ned Spaulding)
1961UNH Property, Off Campus: Latta Laton Farm to UNH Pot plan, Madbury (Grant L. Davis)
1962UNH Property, Off Campus: UNH Spur Durham By-Pass (CKB)
1965UNH Property, Off Campus: Chart of Squam Lake [Five Finger Point]

Series 3: UNH Buildings, 1891-1996 and undated

(10 map drawers)

This series contains maps, blueprints, and sketches of current and past university buildings. It is alphabetical by the name of the building.

Map Drawer 6undatedAlexander: Proposed dormitory (3 copies)
1950Alexander: Women's dormitory plans (Tracey & Hildreth)
1969Alumni House, proposed (Kaehler & Isaak)
1928Auditorium, proposed: UNH
undatedBabcock Hall sketch (Carter & Woodruff)
1924Barracks: Connecting wing between barracks "A" and "B" (Eric T. Huddleston)
1950Bookstore at UNH (location unknown)
1936Conant Hall (Hunters)
1936Conant: Addition to Conant Hall (Eric T. Huddleston)
1924Congreve Hall, addition sketches
1938Congreve Hall, proposed addition
1920Congreve Hall: Proposed Girl's Dormitory for New Hampshire College (Eric T. Huddleston)
UndatedCreamery: Addition to Old Creamery (Eric T. Huddleston)
1929Dairy Barn
1932Dairy Barn (Old) (H.N.C.)
1985Dairy Complex
1941Dairy: Remodeling of Dairy Barn
1959Demeritt Hall, first floor plan (R.L. Scagliotti)
undatedDemeritt Hall, lecture hall addition (color drawing) (Dirsa & Lampon)
1913DeMeritt, 3rd floor (James H. Ritchie)
1918Faculty Club: ARMY/WMCA Building [later 1918 influenza pandemic ward]
1951Fairchild Hall
UndatedFairchild Hall [possibly Hetzel Hall]
1937Farm Vegetable Storage Building
1939Field House (Hussey Manufacturing, Co.)
1937Field House and Cage (Gavin Hadden / Eric T. Huddleston)
1933Field House General Plan for Recreational Facilities (Eric T. Huddleston)
undatedField House: Proposed Memorial Gymnasium for New Hampshire College (Eric T. Huddleston)
1935Field House: UNH Stadium seating chart (Gavin Hadden, civil engineer)
1935Field House: Baseball Stand seating chart (Gavin Hadden, civil engineer)
1948Field House: Horses for Grandstand (Hussey Manufacturing Co.)
1937Field House: Locker room suites under stadium (Gavin Hadden / Eric T. Huddleston)
1949Field House: Portable Grandstand (Hussey Manufacturing Co.)
1935Field House: Press stand, UNH stadium (Joseph T. Ryerson & Son, Inc.)
1946Gibbs Hall, Hunter Hall, Englehardt Hall: Men's Dormitories (Eric Huddleston)
Map Drawer 71987Fish and Game Department: Site Layout plan
1960Forest Park: UNH multiple housing, color sketch (Koehler & Isaak)
1960Forest Park: Road and building location (Koehler & Isaak)
1960Forest Park: UNH multiple housing floor plans (Koehler & Isaak)
1960Greenhouses (Lord & Burnham)
(1966)Greenhouses: Proposed (Lord & Burnham)
undatedHetzel Hall: Men's dormitory [fragile, tracing paper] (Eric T. Huddleston)
undatedHetzel Hall: Men's dormitory (Eric T. Huddleston)
undatedCharles Harvey Hood House: Construction documents
undatedHorse barns
undatedHorton Hall: Watercolor view of Hornton, McConnell, and Randall Halls area (Rudolph Association, NYC)
Map Drawer 81965Hubbard Hall: exterior elevations (Griswold, Boyden, Wylde and Ames)
1965Hubbard Hall: Site plan (Griswold, Boyden, Wylde and Ames)
1965Hubbard Hall: Floor plans (Griswold, Boyden, Wylde and Ames)
1916Huddleston Hall: Commons building (Eric T. Huddleston)
1916Huddleston Hall: Floor Plans (Eric T. Huddleston)
1959Charles James Hall (Eric T. Huddleston)
undatedCharles James Hall: Library
1962Jessie Doe: Contract drawings for women's residence hall
1996Kappa Sigma: Proposed university club (UNH facilities planning)
Map Drawer 9undatedLibrary: Proposed addition to Hamilton Smith - color sketch (Maurice E. Witmer)
undatedLibrary: Administration Offices, alteration of Hamilton Smith Library (Eric T. Huddleston)
undatedLibary: Proposed addition to Hamilton Smith
1906Library for the NH College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts (Geo. Oakley Totten, Jr.)
1906Library for the NH College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts, diagram no. 2 (Geo. Oakley Totten, Jr.)
1906Library for the NH College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts, diagram no. 3 (Geo. Oakley Totten, Jr.)
1937Library: Hamilton Smith with wings (Eric T. Huddleston)
1937Library: Additions to Hamilton Smith - 14 sheets, no. 7 missing (Eric T. Huddleston)
1937Library: Additions to Hamilton Smith details - sheets no. 2 & 3 (Eric T. Huddleston)
1940Library: Hamilton Smith stack wing (Eric T. Huddleston)
1959Library: Alternations to Hamilton Smith heating and ventilation (Koehler & Isaac)
1958Library: Alternations to Hamilton Smith construction documents (Koehler & Smith)
Map Drawer 101956Library: Dimond Library, proposed plans (Tracy & Hildreth)
1957Library, Dimond: color sketches of proposed building (Hildreth)
1956Library, Dimond: Electrical diagrams (Tracy & Hildreth)
1956Library, Dimond: Heating and ventilation (Tracy & Hildreth)
1956Library, Dimond: Plumbing (Tracy & Hildreth)
1956Library, Dimond: Foundation and framing (Tracy & Hildreth)
undatedLibrary, Dimond: exterior elevations
1964Library, Dimond: Building program (Irving W. Hersey)
1964Library, Dimond: Building Program (Irving W. Hersey)
1964Library, Dimond (Irving W. Hersey)
Map Drawer 111976Library, Dimond: Photo Services Lab (J. Derosier)
1982Library, Dimond: 24 Hour Room renovations
1997Library, Dimond: renovations construction documents (Graham Gund)
1997Library, Dimond: renovations desk plans (Graham Gund)
1997Libary, Dimond: renovation construction documents (Graham Gund)
Map Drawer 121992Library Storage Building, plan book (Sherman, Griener, Halle)
1992Library Storage Building (Sherman, Griener, Halle)
1956Lord Hall: Women's domitory construction documents (Koeler & Isaak)
undatedMarine Labratory, Zoology Department
1952McLaughlin: Proposed location plan for women's dormitory (Eric T. Huddleston)
1953McLaughlin: Preliminary sketch of women's dormitory (Arnold Perreton & Assoc.)
1953McLaughlin: Preliminary sketch of women's dormitory no. 2 (Arnold Perreton & Assoc.)
1954McLaughlin: construction documents (Arnold Perreton & Assoc.)
Map Drawer 131954MUB: Memorial Student Building (Ronald Gourley & Dan Kiley)
ca. 1948MUB: New Roads
1955MUB: Memorial Student Building construction documents (Ronald Gourley & Dan Kiley)
1915Morrill Hall: Proposed third floor plan (F.W. Taylor / Eric T. Huddleston)
1932Nesmith Hall, Proposed alteration (Eric T. Huddleston)
1932Nesmith Hall: Alternation (Eric T. Huddleston)
1939Nesmith: Library (Library Bureau Div.)
1959Nesmith Hall: Library Wing (R. L. Scagliotti)
1965Nesmith Hall addition - watercolor sketch by W. McTammany (Alfred T. Granger)
1963New England Center Hotel: preliminary site plan (Shurcliff & Merrill)
1928New Hampshire Hall: new bleachers and grandstand (M.M. Shaffer)
undatedNew Hampshire Hall: Old gymnasium (Eric T. Huddleston)
1937New Hampshire Hall: gymnasium (Eric T. Huddleston)
1940New Hmapshire Hall: Additions and Alternations (Eric T. Huddleston)
1941New Hampshire Hall: Women's gymnasium (Eric T. Huddleston)
Map Drawer 141964Parsons Hall: Chemistry Building (Alonzo J. Harriman)
1968Parsons Hall: Chemistry Building phase II (Alonzo J. Harriman)
1960Paul Creative Arts Center (PCAC): production ground plan
1960Paul Creative Arts Center (PCAC): floor plans (R. Howe)
1966Paul Creative Arts Center (PCAC): Additions and alterations (Shepley, Bulfinch, Richardson & Abbott)
1926Power Plant: set of drawings (Mr. Getchell)
1949Putnam: Applied farming building (Tracy & Hildreth)
1965Randall Hall: Watercolor sketch of Addition to Randall-Hitchcock Halls (Irving Hersey Assoc.)
1965Randall Hall: Addition to Randall-Hitchcock Halls (Irving Hersey Assoc.)
1965Randall Hall: Floor plan for Randall-Hitchcock Halls chalk drawing (Irving Hersey Assoc.)
1969Richards House (Dennis Plante)
1958Ritzman Nutrition Lab: construction documents (Willis E. Littlefield)
1950Sawyer Hall: Proposed new dormitory for women (Tracy & Hildreth)
1950Sawyer Hall: New dormatory for women (Tracy & Hildreth)
1956Schofield Hall: Automatic sprinkler system
1932Scott Hall: Women's dormitory (Eric. T. Huddleston / Bremer Pond)
1954Skating rink: construction documents (Jarvis Engineering Co.)
ca. 1918Smith Hall: Annex building (Eric T. Huddleston)
undatedScott Hall: additions (Tracy & Hildreth)
Map Drawer 151964Snively Arena: Plans for hockey ring enclosure (Perry, Shaw, Hepburn & Dean)
undatedSnively Arena: ground floor plan
1965Snively Arena: balcony plan (John Shevenell)
undatedSnively Arena: color sketch of hockey game (Erdley)
1962Stillings dining hall: construction plans (Alonzo Harriman Inc.)
1964Stoke Hall: foundation plan (Leo P. Provost AIA)
1965Stoke Hall: watercolor by W. McTammany, Del. (Leo P. Provost AIA)
1936Swimming pool: proposed (Weston & Sampson)
ca. 1891Thompson Hall ["Main Building"]: 3rd floor
1938Thompson Hall: Parking area
1947Thompson Hall: Alterations to first and second floors
1962Thompson Hall: Second floor alterations
1986Thompson Hall renovation, 1st floor, partial basement
1986Thompson Hall renovation, 2nd floor, partial 3rd floor
undatedWENH Studios
1958WENH-TV profiles
1967Whittemore: plan book (Skidmore, Owings & Merrill)
Map Drawer 1, Map Case D1930Campus map drawn by student (Bernard Chapman, UNH 1930)
1930Campus map drawn by student (Harold G. Rundlett, UNH 1930)
1933Campus map drawn by student (John MacLellan, UNH 1932)
1933Campus map, "East of the Water Tower", drawn by student (Edward Colin Dawson, UNH 1934)
1934Campus map, "East of the Water Tower" (Edward Colin Dawson, UNH 1934): reprinted for The New Hampshire
1948Campus Map: "Wildcat Country Club" drawn by student (Norman Lennon, UNH 1945)
1914Proposed development of McDaniel Field in reference to location of men's dormitories (James H. Ritchie)
1924University of New Hamphshire: Preliminary sketch plan Scheme "c" (Bremer W. Pond)
1925Terraces, etc., at men's dormitories Huddleston Hall, Fairchild Hall, Hetzel Hall (Bremer W. Pond)
1924University of New Hampshire: Preliminary sketch plan Scheme "C" (Bremer W. Pond)
1934Poultry Building (Infectious Laryngotacheitis building)
1945UNH: General plan of present development
1946Proposed parking area: Sniveley and New Hampshire Hall
1949Map of area around greenhouses and applied farming building (Eric T. Huddleston)
1949Topography of the University of NH (ravine / college brook area)
1955Preliminary master plan of the University of New Hampshire (A. Shurcliff & S. Shurcliff)
1955Plot plan (location of proposed Dimond Library)
1956Development plan for UNH Campus
1960UNH Campus (buildings drawn in 3D) (Shurcliff & Merrill)
1961UNH Campus (Anderson-Nichols & Co.)
1962Pettee Brook site development (proposed Stillings Hall, Jessie Doe Hall) (Grant L. Davis)
1993Parking and transportation map (UNH)
1995UNH Campus (UNH)
2000Parking and Transportaion Map (UNH)
2002Parking and Transporation map (UNH)
2003Parking map (UNH)