
  • Special Collections
    Milne Special Collections is located at the University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, USA. The New Hampshire Diary Collection consists of approximately 40 diaries from men and women writing between 1856-1951. Predomenant subjects include farming,…
  • Special Collections
    The Works Projects Administration (WPA) was created under President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal program in 1935. The Historical Records Survey of New Hampshire, established in 1936, was one of its public works projects. The University of New Hampshire assumed…
  • Special Collections
    The Works Project Administration (WPA) was created under President F. D. Roosevelt’s New Deal Program in 1935. Designed to provide relief for the Nation’s unemployed, the WPA provided jobs on public work projects. The photographers on the Federal Art…
  • Special Collections
    The Association of Historical Societies of New Hampshire, Inc., was formed at a meeting held on September 19, 1950, in Wakefield with 13 local historical societies represented. Incorporated in October 1951, with 24 Charter Members, the non-profit…
  • Special Collections
    HUMANALO, the Science Fiction Society of New Hampshire, was organized in July 1979 at the home of Steve Goldstein, its first president. The society took its name from the first two letters of each of the towns in which charter members resided, Hudson…