Carroll County, NH

  • The New Hampshire Aerial Photographs include aerial photos taken by the following corporations and government agencies: Aero Service Corporation, United States Geographical Survey (USGS), United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), and the…
  • The New Hampshire Soil Conservation Services were initially part of the Extension Service under the U.S. Department of Agriculture. In 1994 the national name was changed to the National Resources Conservation Service. This collection consists of ca.…
  • Special Collections
    The Wood family of Ossipee New Hampshire included parents William Wood son of John and Abigail (1804-1881), Mary Ann (Veasey or Avery) Wood daughter of Nathaniel and Sarah Twombly (1809-1864), and their children. Children included George W. Wood (ca.…
  • Special Collections
    The NH and Durham Vertical Files were collected over ca. 30 years and contain materials accumulated mostly by subject rather than creator. The New Hampshire and Durham vertical files contain historical information and publications covering a very wide…
  • University Archives
    The Teen Assessment Project (TAP) is a multifaceted, community-based research and education program designed to help youth by helping parents, schools, youth-serving agencies and community leaders better support youth development. This collection contains the…
  • Special Collections
    Walter H. James (1873-1965) married Ida Rachel Butterfield James (1875-1966) in 1899. Together with Ida's sister Lucy Ardena Butterfield (1871-1955) and Walter and Ida's children Ruth and Arthur, they traveled all around the White Mountains and NH/VT hiking, camping, and taking photographs. This…
  • Special Collections
    Brownlow “Brownie” Leighton Thompson (1909-1998) and Dorothea “Dot” [Martin] Thompson (1911-1992) were square, contra, and round dance callers and dance historians from North Conway, New Hampshire. They were active for over 50 years within the…
  • Special Collections
    This collection consists primarily of Boston and Maine Railroad time tables, 1912-1964
  • Special Collections
    Norman Stevens is a retired librarian, library historian, and has collected and researched extensively on various folklore and folklife topics. He is a member of the University of New Hampshire’s Class of 1954. This collection consists of history,…
  • Special Collections
    James Nichols (1821-1889) of New Hampshire served in the United States Civil Ware in Company G of the Eighth New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry Regiment. After the war he continued his life as a farmer. Personal correspondence between James and Abby…
  • Special Collections
    The New Hampshire Account Book Collection creaters made their living through a variety of rural professions, mostly farmers, blacksmiths, doctors, town officials, tanners, cobblers, and other mixed income streams. The account books are organized by town within New Hampshire, Maine, Massachussetts…
  • Special Collections
    Milne Special Collections is located at the University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, USA. The New Hampshire Diary Collection consists of approximately 40 diaries from men and women writing between 1856-1951. Predomenant subjects include farming,…
  • Special Collections
    In 1969 Dick opened the Dick Surette Fly Fishing Shop in North Conway and later published his Trout and Salmon Fly Index book of fly patterns. The book was printed in a loose-leaf binder which allowed the owner to add additional updates as they came along. In 1978 he published the first issue of…
  • University Archives
    The Engineering Experiment Station was formed by the Board of Trustees in 1929, as a non-teaching division of the College of Technology. It wasn't until 1932 that the station began operation. It was established to provide professional engineering and…
  • University Archives
    In October 1981 the President of the University of New Hampshire (then President Handler) authorized Kurt C. Feltner, the Dean of the College of Life Sciences and Agriculture to appoint a University Woodlands Committee. This committee merged with the…
  • University Archives
    The Cooperative Extension of the University of New Hampshire has an office in each county in New Hampshire. The Carroll County Forestry Division kept records about the Forestry Cooperators in that county. This series contains the records of the Carroll County Forestry department. They include the…
  • Special Collections
    The provenance of this collection is unknown. 87 mid-20th century postcards from across New Hampshire.
  • Special Collections
    The Robert Frost Youth Poet Program was begun in 1997 to provide New Hampshire fourth grade students in public and private schools the opportunity to express their feelings about New Hampshire in a poem in the hope that it will increase appreciation…
  • Special Collections
    Galway Kinnell (1927-2014)was born in Providence, Rhode Island and attended Princeton University. After graduation he taught in France, Australia, and Iran, as well as the United States, and was poet-in- residence at several colleges and universities…
  • Special Collections
    The Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests was formed in Concord, N.H. in February 1901 " preserve the forests of New Hampshire, to protect its scenery, to encourage the building of good roads, and to cooperate in other measures of…
  • Special Collections
    [bioghist abstract] The collection consists of class projects undertaken by participants in American Folklife courses taught in the English Department, primarily by Professor Burt Feintuch. The projects take the form of investigations of local persons…
  • Special Collections
    The Works Projects Administration (WPA) was created under President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal program in 1935. The Historical Records Survey of New Hampshire, established in 1936, was one of its public works projects. The University of New Hampshire assumed…
  • Special Collections
    The Historic American Buildings Survey of New Hampshire was one of the WPA’s many projects that compiled information of historical significance. Carried out between 1933 and 1939, it was supervised by Professor Eric T. Huddleston, Chairman of the…
  • Special Collections
    This collection consists of assorted eighteenth, nineteenth, and some twentieth-century New Hampshire newspapers, mostly from Dover, Exeter, and Portsmouth. These are rarely complete runs, and often only individual issues. Also included in the…
  • Special Collections
    The New Hampshire Old Graveyard Association was organized on April 10, 1976. It was incorporated as a voluntary association with the New Hampshire Secretary of State on April 12, 1977. The Association’s mission is “to discover, restore, maintain, map…
  • Special Collections
    James Farrington (1791-1859) was born in Conway, New Hampshire. He attended Fryeburg Academy (Maine) prior to studying medicine with Dr. Moses Chandler of Fryeburg, Maine. In 1818, Farrington opened a medical practice in Rochester, New Hampshire,…
  • Special Collections
    The Association of Historical Societies of New Hampshire, Inc., was formed at a meeting held on September 19, 1950, in Wakefield with 13 local historical societies represented. Incorporated in October 1951, with 24 Charter Members, the non-profit…
  • Special Collections
    American philosopher, author of 22 books, resident of Madison, New Hampshire Two letters written by Ernest Hocking, on May 28, 1963 and Nov. 18, 1964 accompanied by an inscribed photo. In the first letter, written to Marshall Bean, Hocking expresses some of his basic philosophical beliefs,…
  • Special Collections
    Kenison (1919-1971) was born in Methuen, Massachusetts and was a graduate of Kennett High School in Conway, N.H. and the University of New Hampshire, where he received a B.S. in entomology in 1940. He served with the Naval Intelligence Office in India…
  • Special Collections
    An unidentified artist. Two notebooks of sketches done in pencil by an unidentified artist. The sketches, some of which are identified, primarily detail scenes in the White Mountains of New Hampshire.
  • Special Collections
    James Hooker Baker (1837-1923), was born in Brookfield NH, son of Benjamin Baker and Lydia Wedgewood. He served in the 2nd New Hampshire Regiment, Companies C and F. Following the war, Baker moved to Iowa, where he maintained a farm. He was an early…