Data Services

Find Data

We strongly urge researchers with data needs to make an appointment with your subject librarian for a consultation.

We can help you:

  • Find and use statistical information, i.e., summarized data
  • Locate raw data sets
  • Determine if a data set may be useful

We cannot help you manipulate or analyze data.

How Do I Purchase Data?

We work with faculty to obtain data sets for the library collection that will be of ongoing use in teaching or research.

Contacts for faculty who wish to make a data request:

Please note that purchases are dependent on available funding, anticipated amount of use, and technical support required.

Where Can I Find Data?

Most of these resources are produced by the Federal government or other non-commercial sources, and are available to the public as well as the UNH community.

What Software is Available to Access Data?

Data may require specialized software, such as SPSS, SAS, ArcView, or ArcGIS. Many are available on cluster computers. Some purchased data has its own user interface. Many government datasets and some privately produced data sets in our collection are available for use online. Additionally, particularly large geospatial datasets may be available on CD-ROM or DVD.

Manage Data

We strongly urge patrons with data management needs to make an appointment with the Research Data Services Librarian for a consultation.

We can help you:

  • Create a data management or data sharing plan for grant applications
  • Instruct on data management best practices
  • Identify repositories to publish and share your data
  • Get referrals to other campus resources

How Do I Write a Data Management Plan?

We work with researchers on preparing data management/data sharing plans for grant applications.

Ask us about:

  • Getting one-on-one support for creating DMPs
  • Funder requirement questions
  • Having your DMP reviewed before submission

For help and examples about data management planning, data sharing, and compliance with research funding requirements (NSF, NIH) see our Data Management Toolkit.