
  • University Archives
    "The Mission of Finance and Administration is to provide expert support to the President and to develop, implement, and continuously improve upon the best practices and highest quaility services for students, faculty, and staff that enable and enhance…
  • University Archives
    Mildred Helen McAfee Horton (1900-1994) served on the University of New Hampshire's Board of Trustees from 1963-1974, and was the Board's Chair from 1972-1974. Previously she had been the first director of the US Navy's WAVES program, and after UNH…
  • University Archives
    Ann Weaver Hart was appointed eighteenth president of the University of New Hampshire on July 1, 2002. This collection contains the presidential papers of Ann Weaver Hart
  • University Archives
    William Gibbs was born in Winchester, Illinois in 1869. He received his BS and MS degrees from the Agricultural College of the University of Illinois. He then worked for the U.S. Department of Agriculture and later taught at Ohio State. In 1902, he became a professor of agriculture at NHC, then…
  • University Archives
    The UNH Media Relations Office is charged with generating stories about the University to both campus and off-campus audiences. Chief among such stories are those that center around the University Presidents. This series includes the Media Relations files on UNH Presidents Robert Chandler, John…
  • University Archives
    Ralph Dorn Hetzel graduated from the University of Wisconsin in 1906. He taught English and public speaking at Oregon State College and became a full professor there in 1910. In 1912 he was asked to organize a political science department and in 1913 was made the director of the extension services…
  • University Archives
    This series contains videotapes covering a variety of subjects associated with the university.
  • University Archives
    Following the resignation of President Harold W. Stoke in August of 1947, the Board of Trustees spent the fall semester choosing a successor. During this period the President of the Board of Trustees, Frank W. Randall, served as Interim Executive Officer. However, because Randall was active in…
  • University Archives
    This series contains videotapes of the presentation of the Pettee Medal Award. The Charles Holmes Pettee Medal was established in 1940 by the University of New Hampshire Alumni Association and the Board of Trustees. The medal is awarded annually to a…
  • University Archives
    Harry Carroll held the post of Administrative Assistant in the Office of the President of the University of New Hampshire from 1952-1956. This collection contains his files while he was Administrative Assistant in the Office of the President.
  • University Archives
    This series contains promotional videotapes produced for the University. Include UNH Close-Ups, a series of short videos produced by the Instructional Services to air on NHPTV staff that focus on the work being done by University faculty and students…
  • University Archives
    The New Hampshire College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts was incorporated in 1866 by the state legislature as was one of the early land-grant institutions of public higher education established under the Morrill Act. Orignally located in Hanover, NH, it was removed to Durham in 1893 and…
  • University Archives
    Herbert J. Moss worked in the President's Office as Secretary of the University from 1950-1952. Afterwards, he served as Dean of the Graduate School until 1954. This collection contains his files while employed in the President's Office at the…
  • University Archives
    President Edward Fairchild was president of the University of New Hampshire between 1912-1917. In this letter, Pres. Fairchild complements Harold Scudder on an article he wrote concerning beans.
  • University Archives
    The post of Executive Secretary, and later that of the Assistant to the President, was organized to assist the President of the University of New Hampshire in his duties. This collection contains the files of the Executive Secretary from 1926 to 1937, and those of the Assistant to the President…
  • University Archives
    Philip A. Wilcox was the manager of the UNH Poultry Farm from 1931 to 1966. Upon his retirement from UNH, he was appointed curator of the Office of Historical Records and Museum Pieces. His tenacious effort was instrumental in unearthing many of the…
  • University Archives
    Lillian F. Curtis served the University of New Hampshire for almost two and half decades, largely in secretarial work in the upper echelons of the University's leadership. This collection contains the files Lilliam F. Curtis kept while employed at the University of New Hampshire.
  • University Archives
    The creator of this scrapbook is unidentified, but was possibly a student at the College during the events. The scrapbook consists of local newspaper clippings covering the 1912 strike over William H. Brackett's suspension, as well as other…
  • University Archives
    A native of Exeter, NH, Gregg Sanborn graduated from UNH in 1966 with a B.A. degree in zoology. He returned to UNH in 1971 to work part-time in the student affairs office and then at Health Services, earning a master's degree in counseling in 1977. In…
  • University Archives
    This series contains the report issued by the president's office each year. The reports pertain to the activities and progress of the University.
  • University Archives
    This series consists of annual reports which were given to the president by all departments and offices on campus, 1925-1959 and 1970-1973.
  • University Archives
    The Revolver was written and distributed by students at the University of New Hampshire. This series contains 5 issues of the Revolver. The contents provide critical commentary from students about the University of New Hampshire and its administration.
  • University Archives
    The New Hampshire College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts moved from Hanover to Durham, NH in 1893. The first president of the college in Durham was Charles Sumner Murkland. He was inaugurated on August 30, 1893. This series contains the…
  • University Archives
    Arthur Stanton Adams was born on July 1, 1896 in Winchester, Massachusetts. He received degrees from Norwich University, The University of California and the Colorado School of Mines. He served as president of UNH from June of 1948 through 1950. The Papers of Arthur Stanton Adams cover the years…
  • University Archives
    Ralph Dorn Hetzel was president of the University of New Hampshire when the Board of Trustees called for new appropriations from the State Legislature. This series contains the statement prepared by the President's Office concerning the space problems…
  • University Archives
    Robert Flint Chandler was appointed Dean of the College of Agriculture at UNH in 1947. He served as president of UNH from 1950-1954. During Chandler's administration, the drive for the Memorial Union Building was completed. In 1951, Sawyer and…
  • University Archives
    Fred Engelhardt was chosen as the ninth president of the University of New Hampshire on December 1, 1936. He took office the following April and was inaugurated on October 9, 1937. He served until his death on February 3, 1944. This series contains the official record of the inauguration ceremony…
  • University Archives
    This collection contains files which were maintained by the Office of the President. They cover a wide range of topics which were addressed by the Office of the President, 1941-1980. Numerous files span more than one academic year and more than one…
  • University Archives
    Evelyn Erika Handler became the first female president of the University of New Hampshire in 1980. She served until 1983. This series contains a transcript of the response given by Evelyn Handler to the keynote address at her inauguration ceremony.
  • University Archives
    Evelyn E. Handler assumed the duties of President of the University of New Hampshire on August 1, 1980. She was inaugurated on October 20, 1980. She was the University's 14th president and the first woman to hold the position. Prior to becoming…
  • University Archives
    In 1998, President Joan Leitzel organized the first annual tour of New Hampshire for new faculty members, many of whom had lived in the state for only a few years. During the three day event, planned by the office of Public Programs and Events, the…
  • University Archives
    This series contains files maintained by the Office of the President. After Dale Nitzschke resigned, two people served as interim president: Thomas Fairchild (1994-95) and Walter Peterson (1995-96)
  • University Archives
    Paul Schaefer served the University of New Hampshire for nearly thirty years as a professor and administrator. His papers comprise of files generated during his time working for the university.
  • University Archives
    Joan R. Leitzel earned her bachelor's degree from Hanover College in 1958, her master's degree from Brown University in 1961, and her doctorate from Indiana University in 1965, all in mathematics. Dr. Leitzel was appointed seventeenth president of the…
  • University Archives
    The Publications Office produces pamphlets, brochures, maps, posters, and invitations for the University. This series contains a collection of their products.