Student and Faculty Input Will Help Inform Library Planning

The UNH Library will be conducting the Ithaka S+R Local Library Survey of faculty and students from October 25 to November 19. All faculty and half of students will be invited to take this voluntary survey.

Faculty will be asked about their needs and behaviors related to information discovery and access, research practices, scholarly communication, and library space. Faculty will also be asked how the library relates to their teaching practices and their overall impressions of the library.

Students will be asked about their information practices related to their coursework, the role of the library in their academic life, their use of library spaces, and their experience with original research.

Additionally, graduate students in STEM fields will be asked specific questions about their approaches to research and information management.

We are very excited to hear from our campus community. Student and faculty survey responses will be an important factor to guide us in library planning.

The email inviting students and faculty to participate, which is sent from, may arrive tagged as an external or untrusted message. Rest assured it is a legitimate message and the links it contains are safe.

If you have questions about this survey, please contact Associate Dean, Kimberly Sweetman. You can learn about the survey by visiting: