Graduate Education

  • University Archives
    "The Mission of Finance and Administration is to provide expert support to the President and to develop, implement, and continuously improve upon the best practices and highest quaility services for students, faculty, and staff that enable and enhance…
  • University Archives
    Ann Weaver Hart was appointed eighteenth president of the University of New Hampshire on July 1, 2002. This collection contains the presidential papers of Ann Weaver Hart
  • University Archives
    Prior to 2007, the Ph.D. students in the Physics department were required to pass the written Ph.D. qualifying exams in order to reach candidacy status. This collection contains examples of the physics qualifying exams.
  • University Archives
    The Graduate Student Senate (GSS) was founded in 2011 as the official representative body of UNH graduate students. For several decades prior to the creation of the GSS and its representative structure, the interests of graduate students at UNH were…
  • University Archives
    The Office of Academic Affairs spearhead the university's progress in academic programming, faculty development, and student academic affairs. These files contain support materials for the 1983 University Accreditation process, minutes and reports…
  • University Archives
    Professor Stuart Dunn worked for the University of New Hampshire from 1926 to 1970. He taught courses in plant physiology in the Department of Botany and at the Agricultural Experiment Station. He wrote a text book and lab manual in 1949 entitled…
  • University Archives
    This series consists of annual reports which were given to the president by all departments and offices on campus, 1925-1959 and 1970-1973.
  • University Archives
    The School of Health and Human Services was established as the Division of Health Studies in 1969. The following year it was renamed the School of Health Studies. In 1990, it was reorganized as the School of Health and Human Services. Prior to 1969 health studies courses were part of the College of…
  • University Archives
    The University Resources Task Force was created in February 1975 to study the use of the University's resources and to make recommendations to the President which would result in savings and reallocation of these resources. This series contains the…
  • University Archives
    The graduate school at UNH was formally created in 1928, though graduate studies date back to the university founding. This collection contains files from the graduate school including minutes of the graduate faculty meetings, campus correspondence,…
  • University Archives
    Paul Schaefer served the University of New Hampshire for nearly thirty years as a professor and administrator. His papers comprise of files generated during his time working for the university.
  • University Archives
    The graduate school at UNH was formally created in 1928, though graduate studies date back to the university founding. This collection contain the annual reports from the Dean of the Graduate School and the Coordinator of Research.
  • University Archives
    The Dean's Council consists of all of the Deans within the University as well as other senior administrative officials. The Dean's Council reports directly to the President of the University. This series contains minutes and correspondence for the Dean's Council meetings.
  • University Archives
    The graduate school at UNH was formally created in 1928, though graduate studies date back to the university founding. This series contains the minutes of the Graduate Council meetings and its subcommittees.
  • University Archives
    The Office of Institutional Research collects statistics and other information concerning the University of New Hampshire. This series contains the project files of the University of New Hampshire Institutional Research Office.
  • University Archives
    The graduate school at UNH was formally created in 1928, though graduate studies date back to the university founding. This series contains minutes from the meetings of the Executive Committee of the Graduate School of the University of New Hampshire.
  • University Archives
    Office of Institutional Research collects and maintains statistical and other evaluative information about the University of New Hampshire and its faculty, staff and students. Departmental Profiles contain a wide variety of demographic data about each department within the University. This data…
  • University Archives
    The graduate school at UNH was formally created in 1928, though graduate studies date back to the university founding. This series contains the minutes of the Graduate Faculty Committe meetings.
  • University Archives
    The mission of the University of New Hampshire Department of Music is to advance the art of music and its related disciplines, promoting opportunities for creative and scholarly innovation, while preserving diverse repertories and cultural traditions. The Department of Music offers programs leading…
  • University Archives
    The graduate school at UNH was formally created in 1928, though graduate studies date back to the university founding. This series contains the correspondence and minutes of the Graduate School Research Council.
  • University Archives
    The Publications Office produces pamphlets, brochures, maps, posters, and invitations for the University. This series contains a collection of their products.
  • University Archives
    Arthur Stanton Adams was born on July 1, 1896 in Winchester, Massachusetts. He received degrees from Norwich University, The University of California and the Colorado School of Mines. He served as president of UNH from June of 1948 through 1950. The Papers of Arthur Stanton Adams cover the years…
  • University Archives
    The Dean of Student Affairs position was reclassified in July of 1991 and made the Vice President for Student Affairs. This series contains the files of Student Affairs office under both the Dean of Student Affairs and the Vice President for Student…
  • University Archives
    Robert Flint Chandler was appointed Dean of the College of Agriculture at UNH in 1947. He served as president of UNH from 1950-1954. During Chandler's administration, the drive for the Memorial Union Building was completed. In 1951, Sawyer and…
  • University Archives
    Though graduate study at UNH dates back to 1899, the Graduate School was not formally organized until 1928. The Graduate Club was formed by graduate students attending summer school courses, largely secondary school teachers and administrators seeking advanced degrees. They met once a week during…
  • University Archives
    This collection contains files which were maintained by the Office of the President. They cover a wide range of topics which were addressed by the Office of the President, 1941-1980. Numerous files span more than one academic year and more than one…
  • University Archives
    The Engineering Experiment Station was formed by the Board of Trustees in 1929, as a non-teaching division of the College of Technology. It wasn't until 1932 that the station began operation. It was established to provide professional engineering and…
  • University Archives
    Evelyn E. Handler assumed the duties of President of the University of New Hampshire on August 1, 1980. She was inaugurated on October 20, 1980. She was the University's 14th president and the first woman to hold the position. Prior to becoming…
  • University Archives
    Gordon A. Haaland joined the UNH faculty as instructor of psychology in 1965 and later served as chair of the psychology department. He was serving as vice president for academic affairs before he became interim president and then president of the University in 1984. Gordon Haaland resigned to…
  • University Archives
    On August 1, 1990, Dale Nitzschke (pronounced Nit-ski) became president of the University of New Hampshire. A native of Iowa, Nitzschke earned his bachelor's degree with honors from Loras College in Dubuque, Iowa, and his M.Ed. and Ph.D. degress in guidance and counseling from Ohio University. From…
  • University Archives
    This series contains files maintained by the Office of the President. After Dale Nitzschke resigned, two people served as interim president: Thomas Fairchild (1994-95) and Walter Peterson (1995-96)
  • University Archives
    Joan R. Leitzel earned her bachelor's degree from Hanover College in 1958, her master's degree from Brown University in 1961, and her doctorate from Indiana University in 1965, all in mathematics. Dr. Leitzel was appointed seventeenth president of the…