Cooperative Extension

  • Clement Moran (1884-1938) was born in Fallsbury, Ohio, and attended Defiance College before taking a job as a physics professor at the New Hampshire College. His skill in photography led to a well-indexed collection of approximately 14,000 images…
  • The New Hampshire Soil Conservation Services were initially part of the Extension Service under the U.S. Department of Agriculture. In 1994 the national name was changed to the National Resources Conservation Service. This collection consists of ca.…
  • The Moran Era Photograph Collection is a compilation of images from various sources which spans the 26 years for which Clement Moran was University of New Hampshire Photographer. This collection visually tells the story of early campus life during the…
  • University Archives
    "The Mission of Finance and Administration is to provide expert support to the President and to develop, implement, and continuously improve upon the best practices and highest quaility services for students, faculty, and staff that enable and enhance…
  • University Archives
    The Teen Assessment Project (TAP) is a multifaceted, community-based research and education program designed to help youth by helping parents, schools, youth-serving agencies and community leaders better support youth development. This collection contains the…
  • University Archives
    The UNH Cooperative Extension was founded in 1915. In 1938, as the Cooperative Extension Service approached 25 years since the signing of the Smith-Level Act, a Committe on Extension History was form and a member from each county was assigned the duty of writing a…
  • University Archives
    Ralph Dorn Hetzel graduated from the University of Wisconsin in 1906. He taught English and public speaking at Oregon State College and became a full professor there in 1910. In 1912 he was asked to organize a political science department and in 1913 was made the director of the extension services…
  • University Archives
    Roy Deneale Hunter was appointed to the Board of Trustees of the University of New Hampshire in 1916. He then became president of the Board in 1931 until his death in 1944. Hunter also acted as Chief Executive Officer of UNH twice, following the death of President Lewis in 1937 and President…
  • University Archives
    This series contains files from the Dean's Office of the College of Life Sciences and Agriculture.
  • University Archives
    This series consists of annual reports which were given to the president by all departments and offices on campus, 1925-1959 and 1970-1973.
  • University Archives
    During WWII, the US Department of Agriculture turned to the public for assistants to find mature milkweed pods to provide fiber for filling life jackets. Farmers were asked not to mow the roadsides and fields where the plants (long regarded by them as…
  • University Archives
    The President's Cabinet was created in 1990 by President Dale F. Nitzschke and consists of the Directors of the major segments of the University. This series contains the agendas with attachments of the Cabinet meetings.
  • University Archives
    The Cooperative Extension of the University of New Hampshire has an office in each county in New Hampshire. The Carroll County Forestry Division kept records about the Forestry Cooperators in that county. This series contains the records of the Carroll County Forestry department. They include the…
  • University Archives
    Daisy Deane Williamson was a Home Demonstration Leader for the State Cooperative Extension program from 1920-1942.
  • University Archives
    Henry Corrow was the publications editor for the Cooperative Extension Services. This series contains the biographical forms voluntarily filled out by cooperative extension staff members. Some files also include items such as resumes,press releases, articles or obituaries.
  • University Archives
    Ruth G. Stimson graduated from UNH in 1940 with a degree in Home Economics. She joined the Cooperative Extension as a Home Demonstration Agent-at-Large. Shortly after, she was assigned to the Rockingham County Office where she worked until she retired in 1982. The information contained in these 28…
  • University Archives
    Ruth G. Stimson graduated from UNH in 1940 with a degree in Home Economics. She joined the Cooperative Extension as a Home Demonstration Agent-at-Large. Shortly after, she was assigned to the Rockingham County Office where she worked until she retired in 1982. This series, compiled by Ruth Stimson…
  • University Archives
    Helen Fitch McLaughlin began working at the New Hampshire College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts in 1917 as a Home Demonstration Agent. She was promoted to Instructor in Home Economics in 1920 in which position she stayed until her retirement in 1953. This series contains one diary which…
  • University Archives
    Ruth G. Stimson graduated from UNH in 1940 with a degree in Home Economics. She joined the Cooperative Extension as a Home Demonstration Agent-at-Large. Shortly after, she was assigned to the Rockingham County Office where she worked until she retired in 1982. In this volume, Ruth Stimson has…
  • University Archives
    The Publications Office produces pamphlets, brochures, maps, posters, and invitations for the University. This series contains a collection of their products.
  • University Archives
    The Food and Agriculture Act of 1977 required that the Secretary of Agriculture provide the Congress with " evaluation of the economic and social consequences of the programs of the Extension Service and the Cooperative Extension Services..." The…
  • University Archives
    The Agricutural Alumni Association organizes and sponsors the annual Homecoming Barbecue. This series contains the correspondence and records of the treasurer of the Agricultural Alumni Association.
  • University Archives
    Epsilon Sigma Phi, founded on January 10-11, 1927 in Bozeman, Montana, is an honorary fraternity dedicated to fostering standards of excellence in the Extension System and to developing the Extension profession and the professional. The Nu Chapter of Epsilon Sigma Phi, founded on December 7, 1927…
  • University Archives
    Mildred E. Doherty from Derry, NH graduated from the New Hampshire College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts with a degree in Home Economics in 1919. She went on to teach elementary schools. This scrapbook contains memorabilia collected by Mildred…
  • University Archives
    Arthur Stanton Adams was born on July 1, 1896 in Winchester, Massachusetts. He received degrees from Norwich University, The University of California and the Colorado School of Mines. He served as president of UNH from June of 1948 through 1950. The Papers of Arthur Stanton Adams cover the years…
  • University Archives
    This series contains videotapes produced for the Cooperative Extension Services.
  • University Archives
    Robert Flint Chandler was appointed Dean of the College of Agriculture at UNH in 1947. He served as president of UNH from 1950-1954. During Chandler's administration, the drive for the Memorial Union Building was completed. In 1951, Sawyer and…
  • University Archives
    This collection contains files which were maintained by the Office of the President. They cover a wide range of topics which were addressed by the Office of the President, 1941-1980. Numerous files span more than one academic year and more than one…
  • University Archives
    On August 1, 1990, Dale Nitzschke (pronounced Nit-ski) became president of the University of New Hampshire. A native of Iowa, Nitzschke earned his bachelor's degree with honors from Loras College in Dubuque, Iowa, and his M.Ed. and Ph.D. degress in guidance and counseling from Ohio University. From…
  • University Archives
    This series contains files maintained by the Office of the President. After Dale Nitzschke resigned, two people served as interim president: Thomas Fairchild (1994-95) and Walter Peterson (1995-96)
  • University Archives
    Joan R. Leitzel earned her bachelor's degree from Hanover College in 1958, her master's degree from Brown University in 1961, and her doctorate from Indiana University in 1965, all in mathematics. Dr. Leitzel was appointed seventeenth president of the…
  • Special Collections
    Ruth G. Stimson graduated from UNH in 1940 with a degree in Home Economics. She joined the Cooperative Extension as a Home Demonstration Agent-at-Large. Shortly after, she was assigned to the Rockingham County Office where she worked until she retired…