- The New Hampshire College Photograph consists of images of buildings from the Hanover campus and separately from the Durham campus until the New Hampshire College for Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts became the University of New Hampshire in 1923.…
- The Moran Era Photograph Collection is a compilation of images from various sources which spans the 26 years for which Clement Moran was University of New Hampshire Photographer. This collection visually tells the story of early campus life during the…
- University ArchivesThe Army Reserve Training Program was created at UNH as part of the Morrill Act, and was taught as part of the curriculum from 1893 onwards. One large "Certitificate of Distinction" awarded to the University of New Hampshire for training of soldiers in the "Army Specialized Training Program during…
- University ArchivesGuest book for the New Hampshire's official state war memorial, located on the third floor of the Memorial Union Building at UNH.
- University ArchivesProvision for instruction in Military science was made when Lieutenant Henry C. Hodges, Jr., 22nd U. S. Infantry, reported for duty on September 1, 1894. Beginning in 1895 the catalog listed military science as a three-year requirement for all males…
- University ArchivesDr. Fred Engelhardt was chosen as president of UNH on December 1, 1936, assuming office the following April. He served as president until his death on February 3, 1944. The Fred Engelhardt Papers include topics such as library alterations, the WPA, the National Defence, and the military department.
- University ArchivesHarold Walter Stoke served as President of UNH from 1944-1947. After three years at the University of New Hampshire, Dr. Stoke resigned (August 1947) to become president of Louisiana State University. The Papers of Harold Walter Stoke cover the years 1944-1947 and include materials such as post war…
- University ArchivesFollowing the resignation of President Harold W. Stoke in August of 1947, the Board of Trustees spent the fall semester choosing a successor. During this period the President of the Board of Trustees, Frank W. Randall, served as Interim Executive Officer. However, because Randall was active in…
- University ArchivesThe post of Executive Secretary, and later that of the Assistant to the President, was organized to assist the President of the University of New Hampshire in his duties. This collection contains the files of the Executive Secretary from 1926 to 1937, and those of the Assistant to the President…
- University ArchivesRichard Whoriskey graduated from Harvard in 1897 and secured a position as language professor at the New Hampshire College of Agricuture and the Mechanic Arts in 1899. He served the College in this capacity until his death in 1922. He was active in…
- University ArchivesThis series consists of information at the Federal, State and Local level concerning the implementation of Air Raid and Dim-out Regulations in Durham and on campus.
- University ArchivesEverett B. Sackett served the University of New Hampshire from 1938 to 1969 as a professor, Registrar, Dean of Student Administration and Dean of the College of Liberal Arts. In addition he served on many committees including the Student Health…
- University ArchivesOren V. Henderson served in various bureaucratic positions at the University of New Hampshire, on the Durham board of selectmen, and in the New Hampshire House of Representatives. This collection contains both his personal and professional papers.
- University ArchivesThe Sports Information Office is responsible for the gathering and dissemination of all UNH sports information through-out the nation. The first varsity rifle team was organized in 1933-34. It was not offered after 1962. This series contains the…
- University ArchivesThe Alumni Association was responsible for initiating a fund drive to build the Memorial Union Building. This series contains some of the materials used in soliciting funds for the memorial union building. It also contains names of veterans who served in the wars, obtained in 1953 from the office…
- University ArchivesOren "Dad" Vittelius Henderson worked for the University of New Hampshire from 1915 to 1939. He started as the Business Secretary for the college and was also the Purchasing Agent for the Experiment Station. In 1920 he was promoted to Executive…
- University ArchivesThe Publications Office produces pamphlets, brochures, maps, posters, and invitations for the University. This series contains a collection of their products.
- University ArchivesThe Civil Aeronautics Authority, starting in 1940, contracted out the work of training fighter pilots in reaction to World War II. The University of New Hampshire was one of the main contractors and ran the Civilian Pilot Training Program from 1940 to…
- University ArchivesEdith Dorothea Savithes, from Somersworth, NH was a member of the Class of 1926 at the University of New Hampshire. She pledged Chi Omega Sorority and was an R.O.T.C. Sponsor. This scrapbook was compiled by Edith Dorothea Savithes. It contains mementos from her years as a student at the University…
- University ArchivesMiss Charlotte Thompson served as the librarian for the Durham Library Association before it was combined with the New Hampshire College Library in 1907. She was appointed assistant college librarian and in this position, she won the regard and…
- University ArchivesEugene Charles Maxam graduated from the University of New Hampshire in 1926. While in Durham, Maxam was very active in the Reserve Officer Training Corps (R.O.T.C.). This scrapbook contains photographs representing a wide range of campus topics, 1920-1925. There are also many other items such as…
- University ArchivesRobert Flint Chandler was appointed Dean of the College of Agriculture at UNH in 1947. He served as president of UNH from 1950-1954. During Chandler's administration, the drive for the Memorial Union Building was completed. In 1951, Sawyer and…
- University ArchivesJohn D. Fleming, Class of 1929 conducted this survey of the service of former New Hampshire College students in World War I. The survey was one page long and asked questions pertaining to the nature of military service of each participant. The survey was conducted in 1929 and a report was presented…
- University ArchivesThis collection contains files which were maintained by the Office of the President. They cover a wide range of topics which were addressed by the Office of the President, 1941-1980. Numerous files span more than one academic year and more than one…
- University ArchivesLeon W. Hitchcock taught Electrical Engineering at the University of New Hampshire between 1910 and 1956. This collection consists of files kept by Leon W. Hitchcock during his career at the University of New Hampshire, the bulk of which concerns student war training during World Wars I and II.
- University ArchivesThis series contains files maintained by the Office of the President. After Dale Nitzschke resigned, two people served as interim president: Thomas Fairchild (1994-95) and Walter Peterson (1995-96)
- University ArchivesThe Department of Physical Education for Women was established in 1916. It was compulsory for three years and optional during the senior year. This series contains a description of the World War II conditioning program and the publicity that the…
- University ArchivesRalph Dorn Hetzel graduated from the University of Wisconsin in 1906. He taught English and public speaking at Oregon State College and became a full professor there in 1910. In 1912 he was asked to organize a political science department and in 1913 was made the director of the extension services…